Unusually high levels of sand at Whalings in Frinton demonstrate groynes help keep sand in place in the beach.
My family have had a hut at whalings for over 50 years. In April 2014 I noticed the sand was higher, much higher, than I can remember at any time in last 50 years.
It is clear the groynes trap the sand in place
For some reason the level of sand is not higher than top of the groynes!
The sand was not moved by the tidal surge in December 2013 as the morning after the level of the sand was much lower.
Looking around Tendring it is obvious where there are no groynes, or the groynes are not maintained.
- The level of the sand drops
- The sea can attack and erode the cliffs and/or sea wall.
The Naze
Holland on Sea
Properly designed and maintained groynes will trap sand, so a bank of dry sand builds up in front of sea wall /cliffs. This bank of dry sand keeps the sea away from sea wall or cliffs preventing, or at least reducing erosion.
Clacton – South Of Pier
It should be blindingly obvious, if you want to stop Tendring, or UK falling into the sea build and maintain groynes.