CET, the world’s longest instrumental temperature record, clearly show temperatures have been close to current levels many times since 1660.
This is a fatal problem for the theory of man made global warming (aka climate change).
How can human emissions of CO2 have caused record temperatures recently if
- Temperatures have risen and fallen at least 10 times since 1660
- Temperatures have been close to current levels in 16th, 17th, 18th centuries
Here are some of the highs
1686 | 10.13 |
1737 | 10.37 |
1781 | 10.20 |
1834 | 10.34 |
1868 | 10.38 |
1921 | 10.47 |
1949 | 10.62 |
2006 | 10.82 |
HadCRUT4, the temperature record produced by Met Office and CRU, runs from about 1850. HadCRUT4 shows a broadly similar pattern to CET, some of the difference are
- Lower temperatures in 19th century and a steeper rise to 21th century
- A dip around 1900-1920 which is not show in CET
The Department of Energy and Climate Change publication
Central England and global surface temperature
Strange in the DECC graph CET starts in 1772, not 1660.
Strange the repeated warming doesn’t make an appearance.
Has DECC got a different version of the data? I think we should be told.
The data and python code to produce graphs (apart from one from DECC) are here.
What does all this mean?
If temperatures have been rising and falling for 350 years it’s hard to see why the rise in 20th century should have a different cause (ie man made CO2).
This then means all the money being spent on climate change mitigation is a total waste,
though kind of helpful for people selling wind farms
or making a living from ‘Climate Change‘.
2 Responses to Central England Temperatures and HadCRUT4 – Feb 2014